Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Proud Parents We Are !!!

Every day I think of how proud we are of our precious son, Logan. He is truly a wonderful person. I thank God each and every day for blessing us with this wonderful child. I wanted to share with my family and friends, the latest that has made Eddy and I more proud. I'm sure you have heard of Class Superlatives. Well, Logan was voted by the 8th grade class as the student who has the best personality!!!! I always thought that he had a lovely personality and when he was voted by his classmates, well, I was so delighted. He says to me, "it's no big deal mom", but to me, it is a huge deal. I always pray that Logan will remain a good person and always be kind to others and treat people with respect.

I hope I didn't bore you by "bragging" on Logan, but you know what they say. It ain't bragging if it's the truth! I am sure all of you mothers out there truly understand how I must feel. Yep, I am PROUD!!!

1 comment:

  1. You have every right to brag...Logan is a wonderful boy. And I find it no surprise that his class has decided to award that great personality that he has. Of course I think that awesome personality runs in the family....Logan comes from two great and very kind parents:)
