We are so ready to do some camping now. We have bought a nice camper (30 feet long) and are ready to enjoy the great outdoors. My family is looking forward to fishing, hiking, tubing, swimming and of course, grilling. There's nothing like the taste of food cooked on a grill. It tastes even better when we can sit by a cozy campfire.
Our journey started when I mentioned the fact that I wanted to purchase a pop-up camper, just something inexpensive. A place where we wouldn't have to sleep on the ground. That "tent" camping is hard on us old people. And besides, I must have A/C . Eddy and Logan said to me that I would not be happy with a pop-up. They were right, I don't know what I was thinking. Anyways, we searched Craig's List daily for a nice, gently used camper. Eddy faithfully bought the Bulletin Board newspaper to me every Thursday, to search for the perfect camper. After weeks of searching and 500 miles of traveling to view campers, north and south of here, we found the perfect one!
I thank The Lord that He allowed us to be able to make this purchase and ask that He grant us many fun family camping adventures.